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Many hospitals use radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags to track the location of expensive medical equipment or keep tabs on personal protective equipment supplies. But what is used when it comes to tracking prescription drugs?

On this episode of Medically Necessary, Matt Blois looks at how one company is working to bring that RFID technology to medicine distribution. RFID tracking company Impinj hopes to provide better visibility into health care supply chains.

RFID tags are tiny chips that can be attached to objects for quick and easy identification. These are the same tags you might implant in your dog so that it’ll be returned to you after escaping or chips inside a hotel key card to give you access to your room.

During the coronavirus pandemic, some hospitals implemented Impinj’s technology to track COVID-19 vaccines. Blois welcomes Sandy Murti, Impinj’s vice president of global partner development, to talk about that technology implementation.

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